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The Boardroom Review and Dissent


A boardroom review is an approach that lets a table assess its performance in a holistic manner. It helps tables identify aspects of longevity as well as weaknesses in their connections, leadership relationships and culture that could cause both practical and social changes. It also ensures that the members who pay for table membership are able to perform their responsibilities.

This research area is still developing, and a number of issues remain. The current evidence-based evidence provides inconsistent results regarding how dissent can affect boards and their function. While some studies have reported positive (Zona 2016) and curvilinear results, others report negative (Brown, Buchholtz and Butts 2019) as well as mixed or non-significant results (Heemskerk, Heemskerk, and Wats 2015; Minichilli et al. There https://www.boardroombook.com/5-effective-communication-skills-in-meetings/ is a 2012 study that shows) relationships between dissent and task performance of the board.

Furthermore, the current research is lacking a deeper understanding of what influences the dynamics of disagreement. Future research should develop a more integrated theoretical approach to contextualize this governance phenomenon. This could include the use and application of configurational methods (Federo and Saz-Carranza, 2018; Schiell, Lewellyn, and Yan 2023) to help researchers more precisely understand how individual board attributes processes, contexts, and even processes relate to the required and sufficient causality in governance phenomena.

Finally, a number of studies employ the narrow definition of dissent and do not provide precise measurement methods. These studies are prone to measurement errors. It would be worthwhile to develop more robust dissent measurement methods for future studies.

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